Aurora Lighting

Aurora Lighting moved from being a traditional lighting organization to an innovative IoT solution provider, using Develco Products' wireless platform. Here's how.

Aurora Lighting

Aurora Lighting moved from being a traditional lighting organization to an innovative IoT solution provider, using Develco Products' wireless platform. Here's how.

Lighting up the IoT world with ready-to-use wireless platform

Light is one of the most essential ingredients required for life. With the emergence of the Internet of Things, new and smarter ways of using light are opening up. At an early stage, Aurora Lighting, a global provider of lighting solutions, identified the potential to deliver value beyond illumination by connecting the organization’s luminaires with the IoT. With Develco Products’ wireless platform and via the Zigbee protocol, Aurora is now able to turn this vision into reality.

From traditional lighting organization to innovative IoT solution provider

For decades, Aurora Lighting, part of the Aurora Lighting Group, has been specialized in tailored lighting solutions for residential, retail, commercial, and industrial use. The organization’s journey started when a switch on the wall was required to turn on and off the light. With the rise of the IoT, Aurora quickly recognized the need to get the luminaires connected in order to stay at the forefront of innovation. What the organization wanted was to offer the clients personalized, interoperable, and scalable IoT lighting solutions, enabling energy savings and improvement of comfort and convenience.

Getting connected the right way

The IoT was a new world, and Aurora did not want to spend years and years on developing an entire IoT lighting solution from scratch. In the search for an alternative, the organization found Develco Products who offers a ready-to-use wireless platform with a wide range of Zigbee certified IoT products. It became evident that the wireless platform would provide Aurora with numerous customization possibilities, and the heart of the platform, the Gateway, quickly proved to be the ideal choice for creating a connection between Aurora’s luminaires and their cloud.

Want to know more about the gateway? Get down to the details here.

Avoiding unnecessary struggles and focusing on core competencies

With the Gateway, Aurora has not only a gateway with hardware and software tailored according to their needs, but they also have a thoroughly tested, validated, and certified foundation for their IoT lighting solutions. This way, the organization is able to avoid a long and costly development process. Instead, Aurora can focus on making their state-of-the-art luminaires and developing the application for controlling these remotely. Moreover, since the gateway is a white label product, the visual identity of Aurora has easily been added, making the gateway fit the organization’s product portfolio seamlessly.

Check out how it works to use white label products and get an overview of all the benefits compared to doing in-house product development.

Secure and future-proof solutions with Zigbee

The Gateway communicates via Zigbee, in addition to other protocols. This means that Aurora is able to promise the users a secure and reliable connection within their IoT lighting solutions. In addition, by using the open ZigBee protocol, Aurora has the opportunity to integrate new IoT devices into the solutions and add new features and functionalities continuously. This way, Aurora can keep providing personalized solutions and meet the future requirements of their clients. Aurora’s IoT lighting solutions are currently deployed in the European and Australian markets, and the organization is moving into additional markets.

I want to learn more about Zigbee.

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