
Smart homes: Why interoperability is essential

The smart home market has evolved a lot over the past couple of years. Smart home technologies now have the potential to provide home security, help save energy, and increase the comfort and convenience of the users. A barrier to adopting the advantages offered by smart home technologies, however, is technological fragmentation.

Breaking down barriers with interoperability

Technological fragmentation, meaning that each device in a system needs to be controlled separately, can influence the user experience negatively and create an adoption barrier. The key to overcoming the barrier is interoperability. In the smart home world, interoperability means the ability of systems, applications, devices and services to work together in a reliable way. With interoperability, the different devices in a smart home are able to communicate with each other and work together. This way, complexity is minimized, and confusion among the users can be avoided.

Open hardware platform for smart homes

Develco Products’ open hardware platform offers a high degree of interoperability. The heart of the platform, the multiprotocol Squid.link Gateway, is capable of communicating with devices across wireless technologies and brands. Moreover, Develco Products' large product portfolio makes it easy for solution providers to integrate different functionalities in their smart home system. This means that they can create a solution tailored to the specific needs of their customers.

Get to know your possibilities with the multiprotocol Squid.link Gateway and all the functionalities of the smart home devices.

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