Enabling behavioural change towards energy efficient lifestyles


Enabling behavioural change towards energy efficient lifestyles

ICT enabled BEhavioral change ToWards Energy EfficieNt lifestyles

Many ICT solutions aiming to increase energy efficiency have managed to capture the attention of the users. However, these solutions still face significant adoption barriers. In this sense, a challenge within our society is to induce behavior changes towards energy efficiency. If left unsolved, this challenge can potentially have enormous environmental impacts.

Energy efficiency through behavior changes

The EU research project InBetween seeks to develop an ICT solution, which focuses on increasing energy efficiency by means of changing the behavior and lifestyle of the users. In this way, the project seeks to break down the barriers preventing users from adopting energy-efficient behavior.

Identify, learn, and motivate

InBETWEEN will help users to identify energy waste, learn how they can conserve energy, and motivate them to take action without experiencing significant disruption to their everyday activities. In this way, InBETWEEN will spark behavior changes among the users by tailoring advice and providing incentives that are relevant to the specific user. The users will be able to act upon the information and advice without compromising comfort or convenience.

InBetween research project

Energy monitoring and control

To retrieve consumption data from the users, InBETWEEN will leverage upon a comprehensive monitoring platform. The platform consists of three layers; monitoring hardware, data collection and transmission, and data analysis and visualization. The recommendations based on the energy monitoring will be translated into applicable control and management actions via a home automation platform. The platform will allow a wide range of devices with different protocols to be connected. In this way, the platform will be highly flexible.

Develco Products in InBETWEEN

Develco Products will provide a ready-to-use hardware platform for the InBETWEEN solution. The hardware platform includes the Gateway and a range of monitoring devices.

The hardware platform is capable of measuring household consumption of energy. In this way, the consumption patterns of the users participating in the pilots will be made available to the InBETWEEN solution.

In addition, the hardware platform delivered by Develco Products will provide the solution with control and management functionalities.

InBetween research project


To achieve the objectives of the project, InBETWEEN has gathered a consortium of 8 partners from across Europe. The Consortium includes technology suppliers as well as concept developers. For the demonstration of the solution’s capabilities, different pilot sites have been chosen, including social housing, residential and public buildings.

The partners are:

  • Acciona Construcción
  • Institute Mihajlo Pupin
  • RINA Consulting
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Develco Products
  • Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
  • Vilogia
  • Sonnenplatz Großschönau
InBetween research project